Personal tools I made to track a variety of things in my life
The various products are not production ready. This is Pre-Alpha level software and very experimental. This is for testing purposes. Do not put sensitive content into these services.
Everyone has something to teach us, only if we are willing to ask the hard questions and listen.
Learn from the questions other people are answering for themselves.
Find questions for you to answer.
Visit Deep Thought nowI'm a big believer in sharing knowledge.
I try to take down notes about the new things I learn so that it is easier for others to learn too.
Organized in a list using tags
Visit my NotionCalculate your car and home loan.
Or if you have a budget, figure out what you can afford.
Calculate Your Car and Home LoanView GitHub RepositoryGives a breakdown of your calendar.
Helps me to plan my day
View Your CalendarView GitHub RepositoryAggregator for tech meetups in Kuala Lumpur
Built in AWS Lambda and DynamoDB
Find a Tech Meetup in Kuala LumpurView GitHub RepositoryHate having to add a phone number to your phone in order to WhatsApp them?
WhatsApp a Stranger nowEasily display an address unit number on your screen
Display a Unit NumberView GitHub RepositoryDisplays the Golden Hour based on the entered coordinates
Find the Golden HourView GitHub RepositoryI have a bunch of frameworks, tools, prototypes that may be useful to you.
Explore GitHub RepositoryMy various experiments with serverless.
RepositoryExperiments with CRDT (Conflict-free Resolution Data Type), similar to Google Docs